Flip!a jquery plugin v 0.9.9
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What is Flip?

Flip is a jQuery plugin that will flip easily your elements in four directions. Try it

Hello! I'm a flip-box! :)

How to use?

Like every jquery plugin, just chain it:


How to change content?

Add content params in this way:

        content:'this is my new content'

How to add callbacks?

There are three available callbacks: onBefore, onAnimation, onEnd

        onBefore: function(){
                        console.log('before starting the animation');
        onAnimation: function(){
                        console.log('in the middle of the animation');
        onEnd: function(){
                        console.log('when the animation has already ended');

How to revert a flip?

There's an "hidden" method called revertFlip: as it says, revert a flip to the previous state


All options

Here are all options available:

  • contentdefine the new content of the flipped box. It works with: html, text or a jQuery object ex:$("selector")
  • directionthe direction where to flip. Possible values: 'tb', 'bt', 'lr', 'rl' (default:'tb')
  • colorFlip element ending background color
  • speedSpeed of the two parts of the animation
  • onBeforeSynchronous function excuted before the animation starts
  • onAnimationSynchronous function excuted at half animation
  • onEndSynchronous function excuted after animation's end