jQuery Searchable DropDown Plugin Demo

A jQuery plugin which extends normal dropdown (select) elements to be searchable.

Project homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jsearchdropdown/

The drop down below contains more than 1000 entries. Try searching.



Simple Setup

        $(document).ready(function() {

Advanced Setup

        $(document).ready(function() {
                        maxListSize: 100,                                               // if list size are less than maxListSize, show them all
                        maxMultiMatch: 50,                                              // how many matching entries should be displayed
                        exactMatch: false,                                              // Exact matching on search
                        wildcards: true,                                                // Support for wildcard characters (*, ?)
                        ignoreCase: true,                                               // Ignore case sensitivity
                        latency: 200,                                                   // how many millis to wait until starting search
                        warnMultiMatch: 'top {0} matches ...',  // string to append to a list of entries cut short by maxMultiMatch 
                        warnNoMatch: 'no matches ...',                  // string to show in the list when no entries match
                        zIndex: 'auto'                                                  // zIndex for elements generated by this plugin