smoke.alert('this is a normal alert'); smoke.signal('this goes away after a sec'); smoke.confirm('behaves like a normal confirm?'); smoke.prompt('behaves like a normal prompt?');

You can implement these the same way you'd use the js alert()...just put "smoke." in front of it.

The confirm() replacement, however, needs to be used just a little differently:

smoke.confirm('this is still cool, yeah?',function(e){
        if (e){
                smoke.alert('OK pressed');
                smoke.alert('CANCEL pressed');

prompt(), similarly:

smoke.prompt('what\'s my name?',function(e){
        if (e){
                smoke.alert('my name is '+e);

Want to do custom button labels? Try this:

smoke.alert('this is cool', {ok:"yeah it is"});
smoke.confirm('this is still cool, yeah?',function(e){
        if (e){
                smoke.alert('OK pressed');
                smoke.alert('CANCEL pressed');
}, {ok:"yeah it is", cancel:"no way"});         

Maybe you want to specify different styles for a specific alert. Just add a classname parameter like this:

smoke.alert('this is cool', {classname:"myclassname"});

light style (default) dark style 100s style tiger style