Autobrowse jQuery plugin

This plugin adds automatic ajax loading of page content when the user scrolls the page, with built-in browser cache. More info in this blog post. Simply use autobrowse(options) on a container that you want to fill with content.

Changelog, download and docs: .

LICENCE: Do whatever you want with the code. I don't take any responsibility for how you use it.

Example usage:

$(".page .items").autobrowse(
        url: function (offset)
            return "";
        template: function (response)
            var markup='';
            for (var i=0; i'
            return markup;
        itemsReturned: function (response) { return response.items.length; },
        offset: 0,
        max: 100,
        loader: '
', useCache: true, expiration: 1 } );

Demo: Scroll down for more cats. (New!)

Note that the demo url does not use offset in the url, so it loads the same data every time.

Clear cache